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Core Mini Massagepistol

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Core Mini Massagepistol

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5 Recensioner

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Core Mini Massagepistol

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5.0 5 Recensioner
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Core Mini Massagepistol

Återhämta dig snabbt med en Core Mini massagepistol. Många professionella idrottare använder en massagepistol dagligen och utrustningen finns på flera sjukgymnaster och kiropraktors kontor. Du kan använda en massagepistol för muskeluppvärmning och återhämtning. Massera med fyra olika massagehuvuden: muskler, senor, leder eller stimulera blodcirkulationen. Du kan välja mellan fyra olika massagenivåer och fyra olika massagehuvud. Ladda batteriet och njut av trådlös massage var du än är.

Vad du kan göra med olika massagehuvuden:

  • Boll: En riktad massage av axelmusklerna, nacken, sätes- och benmusklerna
  • Gaffel: Ryggmuskler, vader, lår, vrister och underarm
  • Platt: Lår, sätes- och bröstmuskler
  • Bett: Triggerpunktsmassage, handlfatornas muskler 


  • 4 olika massagenivåer
  • 4 olika massagehuvuden
  • Fungerar trådlöst
  • 3200rpm slag/minut
  • USB-C laddning
  • Batteri: 2000mAh, 12V
  • Laddningstid: 4 timmar
  • CE- och RoHS-godkänd
  • Nominell effekt: 25W
  • Vikt: 0,3 kg


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    Member o.
    Finland Finland
    Our verdict

    I do sports, for example dancing and gym, several hours per week on sequential days. This leaves little time for recovery which affects my power levels while training. I ended up trying a muscle massage gun to find a solution to this problem. And I’m so happy I did! This product actually does what it promises. It relaxes jammed muscles and relieves the pain, which makes it much more faster for the body to recover from training and to keep it going until the next rest day. At first it tends to tickle since my muscles were so sore and not used to this kind of stimulation. Nowadays I use my massage gun on a daily basis; on training days I use it for a quick recovery and on rest days I give my body a full relaxing treatment. In addition, thanks to the compact size the gun fits my hand perfectly and is convenient to carry with me to practices and travels. I love it! Ps. This is the perfect gift when you want to give a loved one the possibility to relax and take care of their body anytime and anywhere. :)

    Nordic ProStore Core Mini Massage gun Review
    Anthony L.
    Spain Spain
    Mini massage gun

    Fantastic product. The size I find much better than the larger guns and am really impressed with the power it has.

    Gary H.
    Ireland Ireland
    Suffer from Sciatica

    Why did I wait so long to purchase. I have suffered from painful sciatica for many years and only recently come across these in physiotherapy. This item is PERFECT for me. Its compact, easy to use and has strong vibrating movement. I use this twice a day for 10/15min sessions and battery easily lasts 3 days without recharging. Will defiantly buy again when I wear this one out. Don't waist your time with Physio costs. 4.5 Stars for the attachments as they have excess plastic on them and with the movement involved this will hurt if placed directly on skin 1 Star for the instructions. WAY to small to read but they are not essential anyway.

    Johannes D.
    Sweden Sweden
    Bra men dyr

    Den var jättebra men den var dyr för att få 4 munstycken och en lite massage pistol

    Ireland Ireland

    Sorry I didn’t buy the standard one but I have no doubt this is good to start off with.